Preparation for the COVID-19

The wellbeing and health of our members and employees is our top priority at WVSA. In response to the coronavirus that is causing COVID-19, both our operations and clinical senior management leadership teams are meeting daily to monitor developments and prepare our ability to respond to the possibility of COVID-19 affecting our communities and skilled nursing facilities where we serve members. We are coordinating and collaborating with our skilled nursing facilities both to support the care of WVSA members and efforts to prevent the spread of the virus in our facilities. Our clinical team has been trained on the CDC guidelines, policies, and procedures related to COVID-19 infection control, planning activities, and treatment of our members who have or are suspected to have an active COVID-19 infection. The best place and resource for the most up-to-date information on the coronavirus is this landing page from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). By going to the CDC site, one can find the number of confirmed cases in the U.S. along with a general overview of the virus and their FAQs page for more helpful information. Please know – if you are a member and get sick and require testing, the coronavirus test is fully covered by WVSA with no out of pocket cost to you as the member. The entire WVSA family is dedicated to helping our members, their loved ones, and employees as we navigate this difficult time together.